BOOST LEG WORKOUTS AND OPTIMIZE RESULTS - Incorporate our hip band into your leg day regimen to immediately enhance the workout intensity. It not only sculpts and tones your thighs and glutes, but also fortifies your hip abductors and external rotational muscles. Plus, with a no-slip grippy liner integrated into each band, it securely stays put throughout your most challenging exercises, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience.
SET OF 3 HIP BANDS WITH TACKY GRIPPY STRIPS- You’re currently viewing the set of 3 Hip Bands that include the Pink (X-Heavy resistance- Medium size-13.5”), Aqua (Medium Resistance- Medium size-13.5”), and Lavender (Light Resistance- Medium size-13.5”) Hip Bands, all 3” wide, and these 3 bands have tacky grippy strips that line the inside of the band to ensure it stays in place while training. Each band has a different resistance level. This set gives you the most versatility for your workout.
IMPROVES LIFTING FORM AND EFFECTIVE WARMUP TOOL- Wear our no-slip hip band during squats to maintain the right form. Or put it above your knees while walking in long strides or lunging for a dynamic workout and warm-up. Plus, the soft high quality fabric won’t leave rubber burns or pinch your skin. Use the most resistant hip band to add constant tension to hip thrusts, or use the larger hip bands with more stretch for curtsy lunges to make them more challenging.
BUILD HIP AND GLUTE STRENGTH WHILE IMPROVING YOUR PHYSIQUE- These 3” hip bands from 4KOR Fitness make it easy to target your hips, glutes, and legs to help transform your lower body. Use our no-slip hip bands to activate glutes before a leg workout, use them during a leg workout to add intensity, or after a leg workout as a finisher or leg burnout.