IDEAL FOR TOTAL BODY WORK: Foam rollers are an excellent way to work out kinks, knots, tight muscles, back pain and overall soreness from exercise and fitness activities (running, weightlifting, physical therapy)
FOAM ROLLER: High-Density muscle roller offers relief for back pain and can help to isolate and alleviate trigger points in the body with deep tissue pressure and massage
18 OR 36 INCH: Available in 18 inches and best for use on isolated body areas and in smaller spaces or travel - 36 inches is preferred for total body work and provides more support while in motion
HIGH DENSITY: Super firm foam construction allows for maximum pressure and weight application without compromising quality of massage or losing its shape
PRE & POST WORKOUT: Utilize a massage roller prior to your exercise session to relax your muscles and enhance your stretching exercises, and afterward to alleviate any areas of tension.